Family History told by Kids

Have you told your children stories about when you were growing up? Do they know what you were like as a kid? How do they picture you as a young person?

Check out how some adults are re-telling their family stories. First they tell the stories to their own children, and then have them tell the stories back. That becomes the narration of a film . . . here's episode 2 (of 5 so far).

Now this is home video that's entertaining! Of course there are hours and hours of planning, filming, and editing involved, so they won't be getting any competition from me. The productions are getting bigger and bigger, and they're now even showing the latest episodes in local theaters! FAAACTT! (That's a quote from Episode 4.)

I cut and pasted this paragraph from an article about them in their semi-local newspaper.

The brothers confirmed that a sixth episode is complete and likely slotted for release in early September. The first episode of a new series that is "musical in nature" and "teaches a lesson in a comedic manner" will be released. As they did with episode five, they are planning a premier event at a theater. Learn more about "Kid History" by visiting their facebook page.

Wish some of our family stories could be told this way! We have some highly entertaining material . . . and 4 or so Real Dads and a growing number of kids that I can already imagine being hilarious on screen.

Last minute news--Episode 6 just released! And on a topic, as a mom, that hits home more than ever . . . See below.

And just in case you are now so inspired by this short film, here are the links to our lemonade stand and green smoothie posts!

About Sunny

My name is Sunny, and my husband and I have five "children" and two grandchildren. I love learning. I have a M.F.A. in Humanities, but that was a long time ago, and life has been my greatest school. The lessons have shifted as the kids grow and teach me more as each year goes by.
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